Non Alcoholic Alcoholic Drinks


And so 40 years later, and with their children proving that they can take the business from strength to strength, it is time for Joe and Pauline to consider slowing down. This is a point their offspring have raised on occasion. It is one they like to consider in theory, but, realistically, will probably not take seriously for some time yet.

When the subject of retirement was raised, Pauline said Dion has put her on "unofficial retirement," which means that she can work when and if she chooses.

"I'm free. I am at liberty to do what I want to do, because the business is running well," Pauline said. She then hastens to add that she is behind her desk at her Cassada Gardens office daily and mostly on time, and often stays well past closing hours. With a laugh Pauline added that she is truly thinking about slowing down at the end of the year. But she gives herself an out, saying that there are "one or two business ends that need to be tightened," and she thinks she will stay on until those are done, which most likely won't happen until next year.



As for Joe, he looks at his wife when the question of retirement is put to him. "Why are you looking at me?" she asked playfully. He finally responded. "If I retire, I will need to find something else to do."

"What?" Pauline asked. "You have your gardening and your topiary. You dream of it even when you sleep," she said, as she reached for his hand once again. Joe smiled, paused in thought for a moment, and then found his own escape, saying he has to hang tight because he doesn't think the children will want to run the bar.

"You have to have faith to deal with rum man," Joe said. "They are very obstinate and some of them leave home just to come make trouble. You have to know how to deal with them, and the last resort is to throw them out. I don't think that's right. You throw a man out today and that same man comes back tomorrow to spend his money with you, so you just have to have faith to deal with them."

Well, so much for slowing down. But when they do, it seems obvious that they will while away the days enjoying each other's company. "The beauty of it is we're so in love," Pauline said. "In reality, we have reached to the point where I can say I'm satisfied," she went on, examining the success of the business. "Bringing up all these children has not been easy, but I always had God as the major part of it up to now. .. .Had it not been for the love and caring that God has given this family, we would not be together," she continued as she paused to knock wood.

"I am proud of all my children. I feel rich! Not money, not Kennedy's, but I feel rich in my children and grandchildren. That's my riches." Looking back down memory lane, how does the woman who was reluctant to sell rum feel when she meets up with the old girls from her school days?

"Ah, great," she said with a hearty laugh. "I feel on top of the wotld; equal, because we have made a name for ourselves and I have no regrets at all." Joe, too, is happy with the hand he has been dealt.

"One of my goals was to become the leader in this business," he said, adding that hefeels his mission has been accomplished.


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