Non Alcoholic Alcoholic Drinks




Wearing several hats - wife, mother, entrepreneur, secretary at the insurance company, plus whatever any particular day or situation 'demanded - Pauline decided she needed a break from having children and a new focus. As a result she enrolled in the Engineering Department at the Antigua State College.

"Engineering was an asset," this multi­faceted woman said. "It was the ground work for those same peepshows and other machines, because I used to fix them. I was good to the point where we were just ordering the projector part and we got somebody to build the boxes, and I would wire them and get the mirrors to reflect. I also took a course in TV 'repairs. Daddy, you remember?" she asked - a question that elicited a nod and a smile.

"At the time when I went to the Antigua State College I had seven children. They had to be at school for 8:30 a.m., and me too. I got out at 1:00 o'clock and I had to go pick them up a half-hour later."

Pauline recalled having to rush home, give the kids their lunch, do homework dury, drop them off to music lessons, go to the bar and work a long and hard shift, and then come home in the wee hours of the morning to do her own homework before repeating the process the next day.

By now business was picking up and was even more demanding on the couple and Novelle. It was major decision-making time.

"He (Joe) pressured me to give up my job at the insurance company to get into the business, and at first I didn't want to," she said. "Some of the things I said to him were that I went to the Antigua Girls High School; I have a lot of classmates; and when I meet them in the future and they say, 'I'm a doctor, or a nurse ot a lawyer,' what am I going to say? That I sell rum? So I was not prepared to do that."

But Pauline said she reflected on advice given to her by her mother.

"She said if you have a bag of corn, or a bucket of water, and you're going to take it for yourself, hold it proud upon your head, walk through any crowd, and go 'where you have to go. But if you're going to do it for somebody, just fotget it. And I took that to (mean) if I'm going into my own business - no problem. So with those words from my mom, I gave up my job and went to work at the bar in town."


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